אנגלית לצרכים אקדמיים: בסיסי

מוסד לימוד
סוג העבודה
מספר ממ"ן 14
מילות מפתח
ציון 97
שנת הגשה 2021
מספר מילים 1400

תקציר העבודה

How Men and Women Experience Stress Differently.

Watch the clip and mark the correct answer.

In the past, stress was more temporary / permanent.
Today, stress is more temporary / permanent.
Women usually talk to someone / use distraction to handle stress.
Men usually talk to someone / use distraction to handle stress.
The clip recommends the women’s approach / men’s approach / both approaches.
(5 points)

Read the title, and paragraph 1 and 2.

List two different reactions t