אינטראקציה בקורסים מתוקשבים- תרומתה של קבוצת הדיון לאפקטיביות הלמידה בקורסים אלו

מוסד לימוד
מילות מפתח , , , ,
שנת הגשה 2002
מספר מילים 7982
מספר מקורות 16

תקציר העבודה

Although studies show that between 20 to 30 percent of the students that begin a “distance learning” course do not finish it, in the last few years there has been a sharp increase in the distance learning market.
The introduction of the “distance” format of learning raises many questions.  For example:
·         What are the benefits and disadvantages of distance learning?
·         Are certain learning areas (e.g. computer-related areas) more suitable to distance learning than others (e.g. marketing)?
·         What is the connection between a student’s personality and his success in finishing and achieving satisfactory results from a distance learning course?
·         What learning format (distance or “face-to-face”) lasts longer from the perspective of applying what has been learned to real life situations, and retaining that knowledge for an extended period of time?
·         How should the new generation of distance-learning course designers be guided in order that the unique elements of the distance learning tool will be properly taken into account, and the benefits of that tool will be maximized?
Researchers and scholars have researched and analyzed different aspects of the distance learning format of education, as compared with traditional, “face-to-face” delivery.  Despite the research conducted to date, many issues relating to distance learning remain unanswered, and others still require significantly more research. In my opinion, one of the most important factors relating to e-learning is the element  of interaction, which can be divided into four dimensions in the framework of an educational course:
(i)                 Interaction with content, (ii)               Interaction with the instructor, (iii)             Interaction with the students, and (iv)             Interaction with the system. The element of interaction is very different in the context of a distance learning course, as compared with the traditional classroom context that we are accustomed to — it is not that the distance learning technique lacks an element of interaction, but rather it lacks “traditional” interaction.  In this paper, I will first explore the history of distance learning, the benefits and disadvantages of that system. I will than examine the reasons for students’ satisfaction or dissatisfaction with e- learning course – which explains some of the high rates of dropping out of distance learning courses, as I noted earlier.  I will continue with the theory of the different interaction that apply to distance learning in compare to “face to face” method of education, and I will conclude my paper with a short interview with representatives of two Israelis companies that use the e learning delivery system.  The focus of the interviews will be to explore those issues raised in this paper.