אנגלית C- קורס 61135

מוסד לימוד
סוג העבודה
מספר ממ"ן 13
מקצוע ,
ציון 85
שנת הגשה 2008
מספר מילים 1236

תקציר העבודה

WATCH THE BIRDIE A radar image taken by the surveillance radar at Ben-Gurion Airport in Israel, showing a major flock of birds migrating over Israel.
Pre- Reading:
Read the title of the text and the sentence under the title. Look at the pictures in the text and read the captions.

1 .         What problem will probably be discussed in this text?  The problem that probably will be discussed in the text is about migrations of the birds and the influence and  the risk on the pilots.
            (2 points)
2 .         What solution to the problem will probably be presented in the text? The solution that probably be presented in the text is to find a way that could warn the aviators from the immigrants birds to prevent collisions.
(4 points) Skimming:

3 .         …